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Worship-related blogs by various authors that will encourage you in your worship ministry as well as giving you some material to pass on to your team!

Use It Or Lose It Use It Or Lose It

Written by Nathan Gifford on Saturday, 16 June 2012. Posted in Blogs

I was recently "punked" by both God and a friend regarding my musical gifts and use of them. See, I lead worship every week, singing and playing the keyboard. What some people don't know though is that I'm not really a keyboardist or a singer... I am a saxophonist!

The Shining

Written by Rob Whitlow on Tuesday, 08 May 2012. Posted in Blogs

Psalm 118:27 (NLT) "The LORD is God, shining upon us. Take the sacrifice and bind it with cords on the altar."

The first half of that is awesome – the 2nd half... not so much.

We sing the song "Made To Worship", but did you to know that you have a calling, a purpose in life... that God loves you in such an awesome way? He has such affection for us... and here is the reason why...

Why Do We Worship?

Written by Perry Meade on Friday, 27 April 2012. Posted in Blogs

Praise and worship is a powerful piece in our church. The praise and worship format has become the standard practice in our local churches, and the music of praise and worship is beginning to dominate the Christian and Gospel music charts.  Many churches are bringing their worship service to a new level of excellence. All of this is wonderful and exciting.  But has the true purpose of praise and worship been lost? As Believers, we attend church in order to connect with God in a corporate setting.  (Hebrews 10:25) This meeting together is the perfect opportunity for us to receive direction about matters that affect us both individually and as the Body of Christ.  We are able to grow by further searching the things that we've learned there.  Believe it or not, praise and worship is a vital part of that exchange.

Everything Bows Before You

Written by Nathan Gifford on Saturday, 21 April 2012. Posted in Blogs

"Here in Your presence, all things are new;  Here in Your presence, everything bows before You..."

These words come from the chorus of a great worship song from New Life Worship (Hosanna! Integrity) called "Here In Your Presence".  Recently, we were singing this in my church and the lyrics hit me a little different than usual.  Yes, bowing is a form of worship and we understand that, but EVERYTHING bows before Him.  Yes, the Bible talks about how even the rocks will cry out if we don't praise Him.  Even beyond His creation bowing before Him... EVERYTHING bows before Him.

Somebody's Gotta Bring It

Written by Rob Whitlow on Sunday, 15 April 2012. Posted in Blogs

So I'm reading along in the genealogies of 1 Chronicles, and I run across a name that seems oddly out of place. Normally, when your reading through the sections of "who begat who" and who's brother or father is this, for me anyway (and I know some of you reading this have reached a spiritual plane that I will probably never attain) it is very laborious to get through some of those portions of scripture.

So here is the verse I was reading today... deep stuff...

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