WorshipReady.com - the ultimate praise & worship chord chart & tab resource with iPad OnSong support

WorshipReady.com The Ultimate Worship Leader Resource
Bringing you worship chord charts
that are accurate & ready to use!
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Chord charts for Planetshakers: Overflow

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"Come Right Now"


Worship-related blogs by various authors that will encourage you in your worship ministry as well as giving you some material to pass on to your team!

Do Worship Leaders Impact The Weather? Do Worship Leaders Impact The Weather?

Written by Nathan Gifford on Thursday, 06 February 2014. Posted in Blogs

I was born and raised in central Indiana, and while I've spent some of my adult years in other states, I ended up back in Indiana again. "Back Home Again In Indiana" is very applicable to me. If you are remotely connected to the news this winter, you know that Indiana and this area of the country has been in the middle of a pretty rough winter... with record low temperatures and heavy snowfall. This afternoon, while shoveling the snow-covered driveway... again... I had this thought.


Top 10 Downloaded Chord Charts: January 2014 Top 10 Downloaded Chord Charts: January 2014

on Sunday, 02 February 2014. Posted in Top 10 Downloads, Blogs

Check out the JANUARY 2014 Top 10 posting from WorshipReady.com showing the most downloaded chord charts by our subscribers. This is a great way to see what other worship leaders are using and to get ideas on what you might want to get familiar with yourself!

Worship Leaders Who Worship Worship Leaders Who Worship

Written by Paula Gallaway on Friday, 31 January 2014. Posted in Blogs

As Worship Leaders... do we worship? It seems so overwhelming sometimes choosing the right songs, feeling the weight of the responsibility of leading others to God's Holy Throne Room... but I have a very important question for you... Do YOU worship? As a singer, musician, audio/visual tech, etc... are YOU worshiping? Are you so focused on getting it all "right" that you end the set not having heard the voice of the Bridegroom? Are you playing your instrument or singing so others will think you are really great, or are you, with all your mental, physical, and spiritual abilities REALLY worshiping Jesus?

2013 Top 20 Downloaded Chord Charts

on Friday, 03 January 2014. Posted in Top 10 Downloads, Blogs

The year of 2013 was our first full year of having the privilege of providing our services to our subscribers! It is interesting to look back and see the worship songs that had the most download activity for their chord charts. Here you can see the Top 20 posting from WorshipReady.com showing the most downloaded chord charts by our subscribers throughout this full year.

Top 10 Downloaded Chord Charts: December 2013 Top 10 Downloaded Chord Charts: December 2013

on Thursday, 02 January 2014. Posted in Top 10 Downloads, Blogs

Check out the DECEMBER 2013 Top 10 posting from WorshipReady.com showing the most downloaded chord charts by our subscribers. This is a great way to see what other worship leaders are using and to get ideas on what you might want to get familiar with yourself!

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