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Jesus Culture

Perry Meade

Perry Meade

Perry is the lead pastor of Church52 in New Palestine, IN. C52 was planted in May 2007 and is growing quickly and making an impact in their area.  Perry grew up in the church as a pastor's kid and the church music has always been a vital part of his life. He was an active part of the church music ministry, mainly at Calvary Temple of Indianapolis. He was a featured vocalist, worship leader and lay pastor there for many years. He also served for a time as Youth/Music pastor in southern Indiana.  It's hard to come across someone that has more of a heart for praise & worship than Perry Meade. Not only is he extremely gifted and anointed as a vocalist, he will truly minister to you as he shares from his heart regarding worship.

Oh Give Thanks

Written by Perry Meade on Thursday, 05 April 2012. Posted in Blogs

There are times when it is a sacrifice to offer praise to God, quite frankly, because we don't really want to. There are times when we are down or depressed or things aren't going well for us. When we feel this way - we don't really feel like praising the Lord. Yet the Bible is filled with admonition after admonition to give glory and praise and thanks to God. Psalm 106:1 says, "Praise the Lord! Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever."

Why Do We Worship?

Written by Perry Meade on Friday, 27 April 2012. Posted in Blogs

Praise and worship is a powerful piece in our church. The praise and worship format has become the standard practice in our local churches, and the music of praise and worship is beginning to dominate the Christian and Gospel music charts.  Many churches are bringing their worship service to a new level of excellence. All of this is wonderful and exciting.  But has the true purpose of praise and worship been lost? As Believers, we attend church in order to connect with God in a corporate setting.  (Hebrews 10:25) This meeting together is the perfect opportunity for us to receive direction about matters that affect us both individually and as the Body of Christ.  We are able to grow by further searching the things that we've learned there.  Believe it or not, praise and worship is a vital part of that exchange.