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"Every Praise"
Hezekiah Walker
Praise and worship is a powerful piece in our church. The praise and worship format has become the standard practice in our local churches, and the music of praise and worship is beginning to dominate the Christian and Gospel music charts. Many churches are bringing their worship service to a new level of excellence. All of this is wonderful and exciting. But has the true purpose of praise and worship been lost? As Believers, we attend church in order to connect with God in a corporate setting. (Hebrews 10:25) This meeting together is the perfect opportunity for us to receive direction about matters that affect us both individually and as the Body of Christ. We are able to grow by further searching the things that we've learned there. Believe it or not, praise and worship is a vital part of that exchange.
We must understand the importance of praise and worship so that we can view that segment of the service a little differently. Praise and worship is a bridge built to carry the congregation from their earthly surroundings into the Presence of God. During that important time in the service, the Holy Spirit is able to move among people, preparing their hearts to receive the Word of God.
The Word has the ability to produce radical change in the lives of those who receive it. Due to the transforming work of the Holy Spirit many times you see people close their eyes, cry, smile, lift their hands in total surrender to a life changing God, and yes, even sometimes bow in His amazing presence. God is reaching under all the hard layers and touching hearts by the worship experience.
It's great to have an amazing praise team, band, and singers. It's awesome to have gifted leaders lead us into the holy place with God each week. Unfortunately, neither of these things guarantee that God will come into the room during the praise and worship service. God's Presence must be the primary focus for all of us during that time.
Let's take a look at the life of King David. In I Samuel 16:18, the Bible says, David was skillful in playing and the Lord was with him. David was a skillful musician. He was so excellent that he was brought before King Saul during a very important season. We can never forget, however, that David's skillful playing was even more impressive because the Lord was with him. The Presence of God in His music and over His life is what really set David apart from everyone else.
As a pastor leader and worship leader I know that musicians and singers often place a lot of importance on being excellent creatively, but tend to neglect the Presence of the Lord. It is important to excel in our gifts and talents. We should know all the latest worship songs and the correct chords to those songs. We should take care of our voices and give God our absolute best! He deserves nothing less than excellence!!! But I also understand and know Gods Presence... And my desire is that everyone would engage into worship with excellence unto the Lord. Let go and let GOD! Worship Him in spirit and truth every week and experience the presence of God in our lives.
I encourage you, the church, to be like David. Let us seek to have the Lord present in our lives and during our worship services. Romans 12:1 says Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship. Like David, let us worship God with all that is within us! Let us worship as David did and watch God set us and our worship apart from everyone else.
Our hearts must be focused on Him and worship must become our lifestyle. That attitude will open the way for God's Presence to take over. That's when Praise and Worship will truly become a life-changing experience.