WorshipReady.com - the ultimate praise & worship chord chart & tab resource with iPad OnSong support

WorshipReady.com The Ultimate Worship Leader Resource
Bringing you worship chord charts
that are accurate & ready to use!
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Christmas Chord Charts

Gospel Chord Charts

Featured Chord Charts

Chord charts for Citipointe Live: Mover Of Mountains

Charts available featuring...
"Providence (Broke My Chains)"
Citipointe Live

Plans & Packages

At WorshipReady.com, we do our best to provide multiple options to get our fabulous chord charts so you can go with the option that makes the most sense for you! We have Subscription Plans for those that want regular access to chord charts and pay a monthly or annual fee to access our charts. We also have Chart Packages for those that just need a few charts right now, but maybe do not need chart often enough to justify a subscription.

Either way you go, you will not find ANYWHERE worship chord charts and guitar tabs that are more accurate or more affordable! Check us out and find out for yourself!

UPDATE: We apologize, but new subscriptions can not be signed up for at this time.


Chord Chart Subscription Plans

Chord Chart Packages


We also have a FREE Basic Membership option that gives you an account here, and as a bonus, it gives you access to download/import ONE free chord chart per month!Free Basic Membership