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Tasha Cobbs Leonard

2018 WorshipTheRock.com Songwriting Contest

on Tuesday, 15 May 2018. Posted in Blogs

Your church loves your song. So does your mom. Time to share it with the rest of us.

2018 WorshipTheRock.com Songwriting Contest

The WorshipTheRock.com songwriting contest is kicking off for 2018! Last year's contest was great and brought an awesome collection and variety of entries, resulting in some fabulous winning songs  [See the 2017 Contest Winners]!  Here are the details for this year's contest:

  • This will run as TWO SEPARATE CONTESTS! Instead of worship songs being judged alongside of broader scale contemporary Christian songs, we are separating them into two categories.
  • Praise & Worship Category: Entries into this category are expected to be congregational worship songs, intended for the Sunday morning (or whatever day) church worship service.
  • Contemporary Christian Category: Entries into this category are expected to be the non-congregational songs that would be more for suited for radio play, church service "special music", or just listening for the enjoyment and encouragement!Any style is welcome... country, gospel, rap, R&B, etc.
  • Great panel of experienced judges that will evaluate and score each entry, AND provide feedback! Most songwriting contests give you nothing back. We want to encourage, help and give any guidance that we can!
  • Song entry fee is only $30 USD! The fee is discounted when submitting more than one song. You will be required to submit an MP3 and a lyric sheet (or chord chart if you have one) for each song entry.
  • Entries are being accepted now through August 15, 2018 at midnight MST.
  • Winners will be announced on or before September 10, 2018.

** PRIZES **

If quality feedback isn't enough, we have some great prizes available also!

Overall Winner - #1 song between both categories

  • $1500 CASH
  • Full 1-Song Recording Package ($445 value) from Worship Song Recording!
  • $500 Discount Code for a handcrafted custom guitar from New Sound Acoustics! (on top of 11% worship leader discount. Also includes free lock straps and an upgraded custom case)
  • Power Music Package from Power Music Software. Includes: licenses for Power Music Professional (Windows), Power Music Mac and Power Music App (iPad) along with a one year Power User subscription to Power Music Box ($200 value)
  • 100 Chord Chart package from WorshipReady.com to import your favorite charts onto your iPad or download from the website!  ($100 value)
  • Free access to online courses for the InFlame Academy Songwriting Stream ($350 value)
  • Pack of 10 CDs of current releases from Integrity Music
  • Song included in the "Worship The Rock 2018" compilation album, released digitally via iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, etc.
    [ more details ]
  • Free submission of song to CCLI to be included in their database  
    [ more details ]
  • Song added w/ custom chart to WorshipReady.com
  • Promo of song and artist through WorshipReady.com and WorshipTheRock.com via websites, social media and email newsletter
  • 1 Year subscription to Worship Leader Magazine w/ Song Discovery ($59.95 value)
  • Submission to Song Discovery for consideration in a future release
  • OnSong app for the iPad ($19.99 value)

Category Winner (2) - #1 song within each of the 2 categories
   (note: for the category the overall winner comes from, this prize will be for the #2 song)

  • $250 CASH
  • Full 1-Song Recording Package ($445 value) from Worship Song Recording! (this goes to the top winner from each category)
  • Power Music Package from Power Music Software. Includes: licenses for Power Music Professional (Windows), Power Music Mac and Power Music App (iPad) along with a one year Power User subscription to Power Music Box ($200 value)
  • Free access to online courses for the InFlame Academy Songwriting Stream ($350 value)
  • 100 Chord Chart package from WorshipReady.com ($100 value)
  • Song included in the "Worship The Rock 2018" compilation album, released digitally via iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, etc. 
    more details ]
  • Free submission of song to CCLI to be included in their database  
    more details ]
  • Song added w/ custom chart to WorshipReady.com
  • Promo of song and artist through WorshipReady.com and WorshipTheRock.com via websites, social media and email newsletter
  • 1 Year subscription to Worship Leader Magazine w/ Song Discovery ($59.95 value)
  • OnSong app for the iPad ($19.99 value) 

Incubator Creative GroupTop CCM Category Winner

  • From Incubator Creative Group, receive a 6-month artist development package! This includes the standard online orientation and up to 3 months in the Music Ministry Accelerator. ($1400 value)


Top 6 Winners - two top 6 lists, one for each category

  • 20% Discount on any song recording package from Worship Song Recording (up to $120 value, one song only)
  • 25 Chord Chart package from WorshipReady.com ($27 value)
  • Listed on winners announcement page on WorshipReady.com and WorshipTheRock.com websites
  • Song included in the "Worship The Rock 2018" compilation album, released digitally via iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, etc.
    more details ]
  • Free submission of song to CCLI to be included in their database  
    more details ]

Top 10 Winners - two top 10 lists, one for each category

  • Listed on winners announcement page on WorshipReady.com and WorshipTheRock.com websites
  • 25 Chord Chart package from WorshipReady.com