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William McDowell

Articles tagged with: contest

Power Music Worship The Rock, Vol. 3 - Now Available!

Written by Nathan Gifford on Monday, 22 June 2020. Posted in Blogs

Part of our annual songwriting competition for Worship The Rock is that the top 12 (6 from each category) winning songs get put on a compilation album. The 2019 contest was a little behind the normal schedule, but the compliation is finally here and ready for you to check it out! This year's compilation contains a wide variety of styles, and it's all great music for you to either incorporate into your church services or just to encourage you personally.

2019 WorshipTheRock.com Songwriting Contest 2019 WorshipTheRock.com Songwriting Contest

on Thursday, 11 July 2019. Posted in Blogs

Your church loves your song. So does your mom. Time to share it!

The WorshipTheRock.com songwriting contest is kicking off for 2019! Last year's contest was great and even bigger than the previous year. Entries included praise & worship, CCM, country, rap and everythinge else inbetween!

Power Music Worship The Rock, Vol. 2 - Now Available!

Written by Nathan Gifford on Monday, 01 April 2019. Posted in Blogs

Part of our annual songwriting competition for Worship The Rock is that the top 12 (6 from each category) winning songs get put on a compilation album. We had some delays in getting this wrapped up for the 2018 contest, but it is finally here and ready for you to check it out! This year's compilation contains a wide variety of styles from praise & worship to country and rap!

2018 WorshipTheRock.com Songwriting Contest 2018 WorshipTheRock.com Songwriting Contest

on Tuesday, 15 May 2018. Posted in Blogs

Your church loves your song. So does your mom. Time to share it with the rest of us.

The WorshipTheRock.com songwriting contest is kicking off for 2018! Last year's contest was great and brought an awesome collection and variety of entries, resulting in some fabulous winning songs!

2017 WorshipTheRock.com Songwriting Contest 2017 WorshipTheRock.com Songwriting Contest

on Friday, 05 May 2017. Posted in Blogs

Your church loves your song. So does your mom. Now it's time for others to hear it, too.

The WorshipTheRock.com songwriting contest has returned! We are excited to bring this great contest back to the table after one year off. We have some exciting changes though so here are the details!