WorshipReady.com - the ultimate praise & worship chord chart & tab resource with iPad OnSong support

WorshipReady.com The Ultimate Worship Leader Resource
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Chord charts for Phil Wickham: Living Hope

Charts available featuring...
"Great Things"
Phil Wickham

Worship The Rock Compilation Albums

Our partner worship community site, WorshipTheRock.com, runs an annual songwriting contest. Part of the prize for winners is inclusion in a compilation album "Worship The Rock, Vol. 4". Check out the previous compilations from prior contests: "Worship The Rock, Vol. 3", "Worship The Rock, Vol. 2" and "Worship The Rock 2017" now on Spotify, iTunes, and any other popular streaming source!

Details related to this compilation are as follows:

  • Compilation album will include 12 songs, the top 6 from each category.
  • Compilation album will be released under WorshipReady Records.
  • Song must be 100% original with full permissions and ownership belonging to the songwriter(s).
  • Song must be submitted as a 16 bit (sample size), 44.1 kHz (sample rate), 1411 kbps (bit rate) stereo wav file.
  • Song must be no more than 6 minutes in length.
  • Song must be high enough quality to be a positive reflection on both the artist and WorshipReady Records. An improved recording can be created and submitted as long as it is before the deadline, which will be provided when contest winners are announced. If a quality recording is not available, the song will simply not be included on the compilation. WorshipReady Records reserves the right to make that decision and decline a song's inclusion if necessary. If this is done, nothing else is provided as a prize in place of this and no other song entry will be included to replace it.
  • Songwriter(s) will maintain complete ownership and rights to the song.
  • Songwriter(s) give permission to WorshipReady.com, WorshipTheRock.com and affiliated organizations to utilize the submitted recording as a part of the album without the need for a mechanical license or any other payment or royalty collections.
  • Songwriter(s) give permission for their song to be used in full or in part in any promotional efforts for this songwriting contest, compilation album, related organization websites and/or social media accounts.
  • WorshipReady Records will have the submitted song professionally mastered as needed, which will improve the overall sound of the recording and ensure all album tracks meet commercial standards.
  • WorshipReady Records will release the album digitally on popular platforms such as iTunes, Spotify and Amazon.
  • The album will not be physically replicated and made available in CD format.
  • Any proceeds of this album would be retained by WorshipReady Records to go towards expenses of the album, future albums, promotional and advertising expenses, and anything else related. No portions of any proceeds will be paid out to the songwriters who have songs on the album.
  • If an artist has multiple song entries that score in the top songs to be included on the compilation, no more than TWO (2) of their songs can be on the album. The top two scoring songs will be included and any others would be skipped to allow room for other artists' songs.
  • These terms are subject to change as needed.