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2017 WorshipTheRock.com Songwriting Contest WINNERS

on Tuesday, 22 August 2017. Posted in Blogs

2017 WorshipTheRock.com Songwriting Contest WINNERS

The time has come to announce the winners of the 2017 Worship & Christian Music Songwriting Contest! This year, we had two separate categories, which was a new aspect of the annual contest. We have the Top 12 winners of each category, but also have an overall winner that gets the big prize!





"Morning By Morning" by Dan Macaulay
Category: Praise & Worship 


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1. "One True King" by Chris Cope
    [ Chord Chart ]

1. "No Rivals" by Alyce Metallo
    [ Chord Chart ]

2. "Oh Great God (I Believe)" by Jeff Markey

2. "Need You From The Start" by Sammy Nino

3. "Triumphant & Victorious" by Erik Perales

3. "What You Make Of Me" by Mike Hyden

4. "Hope" by David Lockard

4. "Psalm 4 (When I Call)" by Shane Heilman

5. "Before You" by Jeff Markey

5. "Foreign Land" by David A. Trent

6. "Whatever It Takes" by Jeff Markey

6. "Psalm 23 (Yahweh Is My Shepherd)" by Shane Heilman

7. "Holy Is Our God" by David Lockard

7. "In The Stillness" by Grace Wysong

8. "For Who You Are" by David Lockard

8. "Psalm 25 (Show Me Your Ways)" by Shane Heilman

9. "Unchanging God" by Matt Wagner

9. "Follow Me" by Steven Combs

10. "Hallelujah To You" by David Lockard

10. "Haunted By A Memory" by Ted Jones

11. "Let Us Sing" by Jeff Arrandale

11. "God You Are Father" by Jeff Arrandale

12. "Rock Of Refuge" by Greg Baggett

12. "God Of Eternity" by Grande Baliad

The top 6 from each category (including the overall winner) will be included on the upcoming "Worship The Rock 2017" compilation album (digital release)! An ETA for this album and other prizes will be announced soon so stay tuned!

Congratulations to all of our winners! Also, a big thanks to all of our judges for their help in evaluating all of the song entries!