WorshipReady.com - the ultimate praise & worship chord chart & tab resource with iPad OnSong support

WorshipReady.com The Ultimate Worship Leader Resource
Bringing you worship chord charts
that are accurate & ready to use!
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Christmas Chord Charts

Gospel Chord Charts

Featured Chord Charts

Chord charts for Passion: Worthy Of Your Name

Charts available featuring...
"Glorious Day"

Subscription Plans

Get month-to-month access to the best worship chord charts on the internet right here! Our subscriptions also include a Planning Center Online integration that our chart packages do not. Choose monthly or annual payment options and select the plan that works best for you! If you'd like to first see an example of our chord chart quality, check out our currently available Free Chart!

UPDATE: We apologize, but new subscriptions can not be signed up for at this time.


STARTER Membership
(if paid annually)
OR $5.00 monthly
PDF / OnSong / Power Music /
SongSheet Pro Chord Charts *
10 Downloads / month †
1 Chart Request / month ‡
Worship Blogs Access
(if paid annually)
OR $13 monthly
PDF / OnSong / Power Music /
SongSheet Pro Chord Charts *
PlanningCenter (PCO) Integration §
25 Downloads / month †
3 Chart Requests / month ‡
Worship Blogs Access
PLATINUM Membership
(if paid annually)
OR $28 monthly
PDF / OnSong / Power Music /
SongSheet Pro Chord Charts *
PlanningCenter (PCO) Integration §
55 Downloads / month †
5 Chart Requests / month ‡
Worship Blogs Access

* OnSong, Power Music, and SongSheet Pro formatted chord charts are to be used within these apps for iPad and iPhone. They are imported directly within the apps using your WorshipReady account login. You can also choose to download an .onsong file from our website and manually import it into either app, although the direct import is best and easiest.

§ PlanningCenter (PCO) integration allows you to add a chord chart to your PlanningCenterOnline.com account with one click. [ more details ]

† Downloads are counted by individual actions, not by song. So, for example, if you download an OnSong file and also click to upload the chart automatically to your PCO account, this would be counted as TWO (2) downloads... even if it is the same song.

‡ Chart requests are your ability to have us create a worship chord chart for you that is not yet available on our site. The requested chart would count towards your downloads once you download it. You can request however many charts you want, and they will be added to a queue and created as we're able to, but not within a specified timeframe. HOWEVER, this stated chart limit is how many charts that you can pay to expedite each month, meaning you'll get them within 2 business days. If you need more than the limit, you can pay an additional fee to expedite more.