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Articles tagged with: worship leading

Building Themed Worship Set Lists Building Themed Worship Set Lists

Written by Nathan Gifford on Thursday, 10 March 2016. Posted in Blogs

There are many things that we as worship leaders consider when building our set list from week to week. Of course, we should be praying about it first and foremost! After that, there are many things to consider as we strive to put together something that will be effective in the worship service. As the worship portion of the service should connect as much as possible with the other aspects of the service... and as we should be setting the stage for what the pastor will be sharing to follow... the consideration of the sermon topic or overall theme of the service should be part of your planning process.

Worship Leader & Leader Worship Leader & Leader

Written by Jermaine Rodriguez on Monday, 02 June 2014. Posted in Blogs

If you’re like most, you’ve spent most of your time perfecting the musical gifts that God has given you. As you’ve done that, you’ve been promoted and now find yourself leading not just worship, but the congregation and the music team as well. The good news is that leadership skills can be learned, and God’s Word has much to say about how to lead.

What Does Your Worship Reveal? What Does Your Worship Reveal?

Written by Nathan Gifford on Saturday, 22 February 2014. Posted in Blogs

Last night, I was at dinner with some other couples from our church. I was sitting across from a couple that has been in our church for about 5 years, and prior to coming, were both unsaved. The only church background at all that they had was in the Catholic church, so coming to our pentecostal church with contemporary, charismatic worship was a completely new experience to say the least! They began asking me some questions regarding worship that lead to their sharing a powerful story that really ministered to us, but also reminded us of a powerful truth about the role we play as worship leaders.

Let The People Sing Let The People Sing

Written by Shelly E. Johnson on Monday, 17 February 2014. Posted in Blogs

It’s the age-old question that perhaps every worship pastor and worship leader wrestles with at some point in their ministry.  A question with no clear-cut answer, no formulaic solution.  It’s up for debate and strong arguments could be made on all sides.

Actually, it’s not just one question.  It’s several questions...

Do Worship Leaders Impact The Weather? Do Worship Leaders Impact The Weather?

Written by Nathan Gifford on Thursday, 06 February 2014. Posted in Blogs

I was born and raised in central Indiana, and while I've spent some of my adult years in other states, I ended up back in Indiana again. "Back Home Again In Indiana" is very applicable to me. If you are remotely connected to the news this winter, you know that Indiana and this area of the country has been in the middle of a pretty rough winter... with record low temperatures and heavy snowfall. This afternoon, while shoveling the snow-covered driveway... again... I had this thought.


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