WorshipReady.com - the ultimate praise & worship chord chart & tab resource with iPad OnSong support

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Chord charts for Hezekiah Walker: Azusa The Next Generation

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Hezekiah Walker

Jermaine Rodriguez

Jermaine Rodriguez

For the past 16+ years, Jermaine Rodriguez has been impacting and influencing music ministries as an orchestra director, music pastor and ministry consultant. Working with some of the world’s most influential worship leaders, Jermaine is considered by his peers to be a “music pastor to music pastors.” With a unique approach to music ministry, Jermaine has inspired many churches with new processes that have propelled music ministries into success across the nation.

Currently, Jermaine serves as the music pastor at Church On The Rock in St. Peters, Missouri.

Worship Leader & Leader Worship Leader & Leader

Written by Jermaine Rodriguez on Monday, 02 June 2014. Posted in Blogs

If you’re like most, you’ve spent most of your time perfecting the musical gifts that God has given you. As you’ve done that, you’ve been promoted and now find yourself leading not just worship, but the congregation and the music team as well. The good news is that leadership skills can be learned, and God’s Word has much to say about how to lead.