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Articles tagged with: sacrifice

The Heart Of Worship

Written by Michael Kreps on Friday, 27 July 2012. Posted in Blogs

What is worship?  Usually when we hear that word, the first thing that pops into our mind is music.  Music can be a very powerful expression of worship, but is that all that it is?

The Shining

Written by Rob Whitlow on Tuesday, 08 May 2012. Posted in Blogs

Psalm 118:27 (NLT) "The LORD is God, shining upon us. Take the sacrifice and bind it with cords on the altar."

The first half of that is awesome – the 2nd half... not so much.

We sing the song "Made To Worship", but did you to know that you have a calling, a purpose in life... that God loves you in such an awesome way? He has such affection for us... and here is the reason why...

Oh Give Thanks

Written by Perry Meade on Thursday, 05 April 2012. Posted in Blogs

There are times when it is a sacrifice to offer praise to God, quite frankly, because we don't really want to. There are times when we are down or depressed or things aren't going well for us. When we feel this way - we don't really feel like praising the Lord. Yet the Bible is filled with admonition after admonition to give glory and praise and thanks to God. Psalm 106:1 says, "Praise the Lord! Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever."

Where Are The Elijahs of God?

Written by Michael Kreps on Sunday, 01 April 2012. Posted in Blogs

In 1 Kings, chapter 18, we find where Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal; but before he challenged the prophets, HE CHALLENGED THE PEOPLE! "How long will ye halt between two opinions?" The word "halt" means "to be lame". The people were stuck between two opinions. They were trying to serve God and the world; they were trying to worship God and devils at the same time. IT NEVER HAS WORKED AND IT NEVER WILL! Elijah was calling the nation to repentance. Their country was experiencing drought and famine because of the idolatry of the people and the wickedness of their leaders. The United States is in much the same situation today. "...Lo, (we) have rejected the Word of the Lord; and what wisdom is in (us)?" Jeremiah 8:9