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"Echo (In Jesus Name)"
Charity Gayle

Articles tagged with: leadership

You Can Be Excellent With What You Have You Can Be Excellent With What You Have

Written by Andrea Olson on Saturday, 13 April 2019. Posted in Blogs

Worship leaders… team members… pastors… you can thrive with whatever you have… where you are. But, in worship ministry, excellence can be a confusing subject. So, if you want to learn how to be excellent with whatever resources and personnel you have, we have to start here: Why do we pursue excellence? 

Setting Up Your Media Team For A Win Setting Up Your Media Team For A Win

Written by Nathan Gifford on Thursday, 10 November 2016. Posted in Blogs

In your church, do you expect sound and media techs to be there at your worship rehearsals each week?

In my experience, it is extremely helpful for a number of reasons. Those involved in running sound, lights, media projection, etc play a vital role and need to rehearse as much as the band on the stage does.

Silos Destroy Teams Silos Destroy Teams

Written by Jermaine Rodriguez on Thursday, 02 July 2015. Posted in Blogs

You cannot be an effective leader, and your ministry will not excel, if you spend all your time trapped inside your silo. A silo is disconnected from the main source of the organization or source. Look what the Bible says here in John 15:4-5...

Worship Leader & Leader Worship Leader & Leader

Written by Jermaine Rodriguez on Monday, 02 June 2014. Posted in Blogs

If you’re like most, you’ve spent most of your time perfecting the musical gifts that God has given you. As you’ve done that, you’ve been promoted and now find yourself leading not just worship, but the congregation and the music team as well. The good news is that leadership skills can be learned, and God’s Word has much to say about how to lead.

Do Worship Leaders Impact The Weather? Do Worship Leaders Impact The Weather?

Written by Nathan Gifford on Thursday, 06 February 2014. Posted in Blogs

I was born and raised in central Indiana, and while I've spent some of my adult years in other states, I ended up back in Indiana again. "Back Home Again In Indiana" is very applicable to me. If you are remotely connected to the news this winter, you know that Indiana and this area of the country has been in the middle of a pretty rough winter... with record low temperatures and heavy snowfall. This afternoon, while shoveling the snow-covered driveway... again... I had this thought.