WorshipReady.com - the ultimate praise & worship chord chart & tab resource with iPad OnSong support

WorshipReady.com The Ultimate Worship Leader Resource
Bringing you worship chord charts
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WorshipReady and WorshipTheRock Come Together! WorshipReady and WorshipTheRock Come Together!

on Friday, 14 October 2016. Posted in Blogs

Two great worship leader resources now become one.

We have a very exciting announcement to make here at WorshipReady.com... and that is the long-standing worship leader forum site WorshipTheRock.com has now become a part of us here at WR! The original founder, Phil Williams, is stepping aside from the great service and community that he has worked so hard to build over the last 8 years and the founder of WorshipReady, Nathan Gifford, has taken over ownership of WorshipTheRock.