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WorshipReady and WorshipTheRock Come Together!

on Friday, 14 October 2016. Posted in Blogs

Two great worship leader resources now become one.

WorshipReady and WorshipTheRock Come Together!

We have a very exciting announcement to make here at WorshipReady.com... and that is the long-standing worship leader forum site WorshipTheRock.com has now become a part of us here at WR! The original founder, Phil Williams, is stepping aside from the great service and community that he has worked so hard to build over the last 8 years and the founder of WorshipReady, Nathan Gifford, has taken over ownership of WorshipTheRock.

From the inception of WorshipReady.com, Nathan envisioned much more than the highest quality worship chord charts available anywhere! He wanted to create a place of community for worship leaders to engage together... supporting, encouraging, learning, asking questions, praying for each other, buying/selling gear, etc. This element of WR never really took off, as it's very difficult to get that type of environment off the ground. Also, there were intentions of original worship song submissions with an annual contest for our users. This never took off either as the number of submissions was very minimal. Our starting off as a new company with a smaller number of users initially made it near impossible to launch either of those two features.

However, WorshipTheRock.com (WTR) has been around since 2008 and has grown into an online community of more than 9000 people, most of which are worship leaders! There is also a large base of users on Facebook and Twitter. In addition, Phil and WTR have run a couple of songwriting contents in recent years. These are two large pieces that have been missing from WorshipReady... but no longer!

The free services available to the WTR users will remain... and will always be free! Over time, some changes will come into play in appearance, layout, etc, but the available services will not be lost. The elements like songwriting contests, artist spotlights, album features, etc, which have been sidelined this year, will come back into full swing as well! We will integrate WTR and WR in a manner where it benefits the existing users of both sites and allows us all to move forward together, further developing, learning and equipping for the work all of us do across the globe in music ministry.

We want to give a big "THANK YOU!" to Phil Williams for his heart and all of his efforts over these 8 years! He's done a great work and we will strive to build on the great foundation that he has laid, and never let his work fall away or be forgotten. Now, go check out the WTR site, and if you don't have one already, sign up for your free account!
