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"Every Praise"
Hezekiah Walker
There's a worship war that continues today. It's a battle waged everyday. You and I are on the front lines, whether we want to be or not. It's the war for our hearts. For our minds. For our attention.
It's a war about who gets the glory in our lives.
Take, for example, the following distractions:
Each distraction, whether big or small (legitimate or not), point to a full-scale assault for our attention. It's waged in the battlefield of our hearts and minds. It's a fight for our affection.
In the end, we'll end up "giving value" (worship) to something/someone. Who will it be? Will the glory and attention go to God? Or will it be one of the many things this world offers to distract us with?
God deserves our attention. Bottom line, He wants our attention. He wants us to fight this war. He wants every decision to be made by a life that has been transformed by the awe of God's presence. To give in to a distraction means to surrender our worship to something else.
Remember the story of Mary and Martha in the Bible? Martha was so distracted with her serving duties, she didn't give Jesus her attention. The story was different for Martha's sister, Mary. Mary gave her undivided attention to Jesus. Mary sat at Jesus' feet, listening to His teaching. Martha was ticked off that Mary wasn't giving her attention to other things. That's usually how distracted people get. Distracted people become unnerved with others around them that aren't distracted by the same things.
Mary had won the worship war in her heart. Martha surrendered to the distraction of her surroundings.
Read about Mary and Martha here:
Maybe you are really focused on something this week. Stop. Listen. God deserves more attention than that one thing. Give Him the attention He deserves. Sit at His feet. Spend time learning from Him. Don't be distracted by anything or anyone else.
Keep fighting. Never surrender.
There's a war for your attention.
Maybe even stop gazing at the screen.
Decide right now to turn your eyes on Jesus. And the things of this world will grow dim.
Take, for example, the following distractions:
Take, for example, the following distractions: