WorshipReady.com - the ultimate praise & worship chord chart & tab resource with iPad OnSong support

WorshipReady.com The Ultimate Worship Leader Resource
Bringing you worship chord charts
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Chord charts for Passion: Worthy Of Your Name

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"Glorious Day"

Bryan Nelson

Bryan Nelson

Bryan is the Worship Arts Pastor at Topeka Bible Church in Topeka, Kansas. Born in Waukesha, WI, his roots are in Kansas. He began following Jesus when he was young - but didn't give his entire life to God until his high school years. After college, he spent ten years on staff at a church in Pennsylvania until April 2007 when Bryan and his family moved to Topeka to join the team at TBC.

Bryan also is the creator of MyMusicWriter.com, a custom music writing service for worship leaders, 2012 Editors Pick by Worship Leader Magazine, networking with 1,700 worship leaders.