WorshipReady.com - the ultimate praise & worship chord chart & tab resource with iPad OnSong support

WorshipReady.com The Ultimate Worship Leader Resource
Bringing you worship chord charts
that are accurate & ready to use!
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Chord charts for Citipointe Live: Mover Of Mountains

Charts available featuring...
"Providence (Broke My Chains)"
Citipointe Live

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North Point

North Point

In 2010, North Point Community Church launched North Point Music to bring local worship leaders, musicians, and songwriters together to inspire a generation and influence the church. The Alpharetta, Georgia-based record label and music publishing company is now home to worship leaders/songwriters Eddie Kirkland, Todd Fields, Casey Darnell, and Dove Award winner Seth Condrey. North Point Music has a strong foundation from which to pursue its mission. As an organization, North Point serves more than 30,000 people each Sunday at its five Atlanta-area churches, and thousands more attend its 30 partner churches in the United States and 12 international partners.

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Song Title Artist / CD Key Charts
Sons And Daughters
Sons And Daughters North Point InsideOut: Nothing Ordinary, Pt. 1 (Live) - EP
This Is My Song
This Is My Song North Point Worship, Mac Powell & Heath Balltzglier: This Is My Song (Single)
You Alone
You Alone North Point Live: Here And Now
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