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"Victory Belongs To Jesus"
Todd Dulaney
As Worship Leaders... do we worship? It seems so overwhelming sometimes choosing the right songs, feeling the weight of the responsibility of leading others to God's Holy Throne Room... but I have a very important question for you... Do YOU worship? As a singer, musician, audio/visual tech, etc... are YOU worshiping? Are you so focused on getting it all "right" that you end the set not having heard the voice of the Bridegroom? Are you playing your instrument or singing so others will think you are really great, or are you, with all your mental, physical, and spiritual abilities REALLY worshiping Jesus?
Recently I read a great article in Worship Leader magazine that said there are 3 kinds of worship: Bad Worship, Good Worship, and Spirit-led Worship. "Bad" being lots of missed chords and a whole bunch of attention drawn to a whole bunch of mistakes. "Good" being everyone sang the songs on the setlist with excellence and there were no real hiccups musically, technically or otherwise. And "good" is great to aim for, but so many stop there with a sigh of relief and probably a tad bit of pride that a song was accomplished with excellence... kind of a "see me" mentality.
However, "Spirit-led" worship should be our highest goal, our indisputable priority, and our unwavering commitment. Oh, how the Bridegroom has things to say and songs He wants to sing... and sometimes, as in any great romance, He doesn't tell you in advance. Yes, I believe in excellence, yes I believe in doing things to the best of my earthly talent/abilities, but how "earthly" to just stop there. May we all go on to musical maturity, to Spirit-led worship.
Here's how I see it: I'm going to pray, be prepared musically and lyrically and prepared in advance with scriptures, small motivational thoughts from the Word, and a running theme throughout the setlist... and that's where I end. God forbid that all our congregation receives from me is my "earthly" endeavor to "get it right", when what they really long for is something supernatural... something very... Jesus!
After doing all I can, and all that I am responsible for, may I yield... really yield to the Blessed Holy Spirit and pray fervently that He come during our time of worship and take over. I believe with all of my heart that if, as a leader, musician, vocalist, etc, I am committed to worshiping Jesus during the setlist - even while I am leading - I will hear Jesus' voice and our worship experience will be Spirit-led.
Lead me, Lord... I will follow.