WorshipReady.com - the ultimate praise & worship chord chart & tab resource with iPad OnSong support

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Chord charts for Phil Wickham: Living Hope

Charts available featuring...
"Great Things"
Phil Wickham

Brenton Brown

Brenton Brown

Brenton is a worship leader, but not really on purpose. He grew up in Cape Town, South Africa, then while studying at Oxford, God was stirring his heart in worship, to see Him and seek Him. With very little engagement or ready willingness on his behalf, Brenton found himself writing and leading on Vineyard UK worship records. After 10 years of trying his best to feel comfortable living in England, he eventually gave up and ended up in California.

What is stronger than ever before in Brenton is a crystal clear awareness of his dependance on God, that he is nothing without Him. God's work in him is more important than any work Brenton can do for Him. He is very grateful to God for allowing him to walk along side a community of friends and family who love and honor Him so strongly and let him share with them occasionally what God is doing. At least one Sunday a month you will find Brenton smiling and singing at Calvary Community Church in Thousand Oaks, CA.

The Immensity Of God... And The Acoustic Guitar The Immensity Of God... And The Acoustic Guitar

Written by Brenton Brown on Thursday, 31 January 2013. Posted in Blogs - Brenton Brown, Blogs

You’d think that staring at something over and over again would eventually grow old. i mean, no matter how interesting and detailed this photo is, eventually you would have covered all the ground. There would be no surprises…