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Chord charts for Tasha Cobbs Leonard: Heart. Passion. Pursuit.

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"You Know My Name"
Tasha Cobbs Leonard

Meet The Judges (2017)

We have an outstanding panel of judges for the 2017 WorshipTheRock.com Worship & Christian Songwriting Contest! See who they are and learn a bit more about them:

Josh & Amberley Klinkenberg

Josh & Amberley Klinkenberg 

Josh & Amberley are the co-founders and directors of InFlame Ministries based in New Zealand. They are committed to raising healthy family, cultivating community, and enabling others to step into the fullness of what the Father has for them. They have recently released their latest album "Flood Me" which is now available worldwide. Josh & Amberley travel their home country and further afield with a ministry that is marked by healings, signs and wonders. After their first child, Elijah, was born with severe special needs that required 24/7 care, the Klinkenberg's began their journey into the unknown to discover God as Healer. Now living in Tauranga with their four children, they enjoy seeing the Kingdom of Heaven come and influence all spheres of society. Josh & Amberley share a deep passion to see this world take on the likeness of Heaven. Together they are passionate about raising up people who step into the fullness of their identity and set themselves to pursue Christ and His kingdom above all else.

Josh enjoys ministering through teaching, speaking and worship leading and also spends much of his time as a producer. He is also an accomplished songwriter and author. Amberley is passionate about seeing woman set free and made whole. She enjoys speaking and worship leading. The Klinkenberg's are also Global Directors with Sounds of the Nations, and Jesus Culture Music artists. When it comes to worship, the Klinkenberg's have a deep desire to serve indigenous cultures by seeing their songs and sounds valued and welcomed back into the body of Christ.

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James White

James White

James White is a Worship Architect & Worship Team Developer, Worship Leader Mentor, and Founder of Vocal Interventions - Vocal Coaching Services, now currently serving as Worship & Arts Pastor of The Sanctuary of Savannah located in Savannah, GA. With over 25 years of ministry, James directs his passions and energies in helping ministries in transition (from one level to another) and helping others discover their S.P.O.T. (Strategic Point Of Talent) through wisdom and encouragement sessions to develop their gifts for the Lord’s purpose.

James believes that God has given everyone a talent and that gift must be cultivated and activated so that fulfillment of God’s purpose can be reached.  Through Worship, mentorship and abiding in the presence of God, one can discover what God has wired them to be. “We are only required to be how God has wired us. It’s critical that we make sure that the programing that we receive comes from the right Source and resources.”

With two sons, Julian and Jaron, James and his wife, Jackie, who is also an anointed songwriter and singer, has worked with some very powerful churches and ministries across the nation. From the days of as a vocalist with Epcot Center’s “Voices of Liberty”, and 8-part A capella vocal ensemble into serving directly as Worship Pastors at Free Chapel Worship Center (GA), Calvary Temple of Indianapolis (IN), Life International (NC), Church on Fire (OH), and currently at The Sanctuary of Savannah (GA).

James has a broad range of experience from professional performance atmospheres to multicultural and multi-generational spiritual worship encounters. From those experiences emerge a call and desire to help individuals of all nations and cultures to walk in their divine calling, so that the earth will remember why we are sent to the earth!  All for His Glory, His Will and His Plan!

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Josh Helms

Josh Helms

Josh is a staff songwriter at Fairtrade Services in Nashville, TN. He has written songs for artists such as Craig Wayne Boyd, Jason Mizelle, Jeff Bates and many others. With multiple songs placed on CMT, The Voice and other shows, Josh writes daily with some of Nashville’s most talented writers.

In addition to his music endeavors, Josh is also the author of The Shepherd On The Search and The Shepherd On The Search 25 Day Christmas Devotional. The Shepherd On The Search, which released in 2016 in over 2,000 retail stores nation wide including Hallmark, Lifeway, Family Christian and many more, is an activity kit which includes a book, plush doll and Nativity scene that helps families focus on the truth of Christmas.

Jeff Booth

Jeff Booth

Jeff Booth is a songwriter, worship leader, and founding pastor of Freedom Worship Center Omaha located in the heart of Omaha, Nebraska. With over 30 years of ministry, Jeff continues to have a desire to learn, grow, and develop his gifts for the Lord.

His passion for the presence of God to be experienced by all believers in various worship settings has led Jeff to minister in churches and conferences around the world. “Worship has given me a love for the nations, because every nation has it’s own sound to glorify the Father. The sound of the nations worshiping is such a beautiful sound, and I’m so grateful for the opportunities to experience the sound from many nations first hand.”

Originally from Indiana, Jeff has lived in Omaha, Nebraska for eighteen years and is married to his high school sweetheart and co-writer of many of his songs, Terri. They have four children and one grandson.

Website  |  iTunes  |  Spotify  |  Twitter

Nathan Gifford

Nathan Gifford

Nathan grew up in the church as a PK (Pastor’s Kid) and was involved in the worship band from a young age. Growing up, he played saxophone in his dad's church, but also in various worship bands, events, camps and recording projects. He graduated from Indiana University School of Music with a performance degree on saxophone. While in college, he began doing some worship leading, which lead to a full-time music pastor position right after graduating, which is also when he began writing worship music. Nathan served in that capacity for about 8 1/2 years. Then he switched gears and started his own business, while doing music ministry "part-time". He took on the worship leadership in a church plant and helped grow the church to about 550 members in 8 years.

Nathan has recorded 9 live worship CDs and been a part of many others during his 20 years of worship leading experience. Much of what has been recorded over the years has been original music. He is also the co-founder of WorshipReady.com, which now also runs WorshipTheRock.com.

Nathan and his wife, Rebecca, have 5 kids and live in the Indianapolis, Indiana area.

iTunes  |  Spotify


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