WorshipReady.com - the ultimate praise & worship chord chart & tab resource with iPad OnSong support

WorshipReady.com The Ultimate Worship Leader Resource
Bringing you worship chord charts
that are accurate & ready to use!
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Christmas Chord Charts

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Featured Chord Charts

Chord charts for The Belonging Co: All The Earth

Charts available featuring...
"Peace Be Still"
The Belonging Co

CCLI Song Submissions

One of the prizes made available to winners of the annual WorshipTheRock.com Songwriting Contest is submission of the song to the CCLI database, IF the song is not already included. Details are as follows:

  • Song must be original and 100% owned by the songwriter(s) that submitted it.
  • Copyright administration will be handled by WorshipReady.com Publishing. Under this arrangement, CCLI royalties (which are paid out twice per year by CCLI) would be collected by WorshipReady.com Publishing. 10% is kept as an administration fee and the remaining 90% is sent to the songwriter(s). A performing rights association publishing name is recommended to be setup if not already in place. We can assist with this if needed, but the writer(s) would be responsible for any setup fees to ASCAP or BMI.
  • No chord chart, lead sheet or other musical format will be included in the CCLI database for the submitted song. Those can not be included unless CCLI deems it necessary, based on the amount of reported usage and interest the song receives.
  • The songwriter(s) have the option to decline the CCLI submission if they desire to handle this on their own or via another administrator.