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Articles tagged with: planning

Building Themed Worship Set Lists Building Themed Worship Set Lists

Written by Nathan Gifford on Thursday, 10 March 2016. Posted in Blogs

There are many things that we as worship leaders consider when building our set list from week to week. Of course, we should be praying about it first and foremost! After that, there are many things to consider as we strive to put together something that will be effective in the worship service. As the worship portion of the service should connect as much as possible with the other aspects of the service... and as we should be setting the stage for what the pastor will be sharing to follow... the consideration of the sermon topic or overall theme of the service should be part of your planning process.

Let The People Sing Let The People Sing

Written by Shelly E. Johnson on Monday, 17 February 2014. Posted in Blogs

It’s the age-old question that perhaps every worship pastor and worship leader wrestles with at some point in their ministry.  A question with no clear-cut answer, no formulaic solution.  It’s up for debate and strong arguments could be made on all sides.

Actually, it’s not just one question.  It’s several questions...