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Articles tagged with: intervals

Intro To Chords: Triads, Inversions & Fingering Best Practices Intro To Chords: Triads, Inversions & Fingering Best Practices

Written by Nathan Gifford on Thursday, 25 April 2019. Posted in Music Theory In Worship, Blogs

Music Theory In Worship - Part 3

There are, of course, a near countless number of chord structures and variations, but we know in the realm of praise & worship music, there is a fairly small number of those chords that are regularly used. In this next installment of our Music Theory In Worship series, we will look at the basic structure of common chords and triads as well as inversions and best practices when choosing from different chord variations. This is an introduction to chords as we will go deeper in further installments of this series.

Major Scales, Intervals & The Circle Of Fifths Major Scales, Intervals & The Circle Of Fifths

Written by Nathan Gifford on Friday, 29 March 2019. Posted in Music Theory In Worship, Blogs

Music Theory In Worship - Part 2

When you first learn how to read, you do not start with Lord Of The Flies. You start with the alphabet. You learn all about the foundational pieces that are used to form words. Then you learn how to put words together into sentences. Then you build paragraphs with multiple sentences of a common thought. You get the idea. Music follows that same line of thought. So, let's dig in to the foundational elements of music with the major scale and the circle of fifths.