WorshipReady.com - the ultimate praise & worship chord chart & tab resource with iPad OnSong support

WorshipReady.com The Ultimate Worship Leader Resource
Bringing you worship chord charts
that are accurate & ready to use!
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Chord charts for William McDowell: Sounds Of Revival

Charts available featuring...
"Send The Rain"
William McDowell

Planning Center Online Integration

Planning Center OnlineIn an effort to further assist our users, we have implemented an integration with Planing Center Online (PCO)! For those that are unfamiliar, PCO provides a valuable online resource for managing your worship teams, schedules, songs, etc. You can upload PDF file formatted chord charts that your team members can download.

So, you can download your OnSong and PDF chord charts from WorshipReady.com and then upload them into your PCO account for your team members to access... or you can just upload the chord chart with ONE CLICK! Even better, what this new feature does is upload the chart in a ChordPro format (like what OnSong uses) which allows you to easily generate multiple key variations of the chord chart! Then, with just a few clicks, you could potentially have our quality WorshipReady generated chord chart arrangment in your PCO song list in multiple key options based on what you need. Once you have the chart loaded in this format, you (or your users) can easily download copies of the full chord charts or lyrics only as PDF files.

Bonus... you do NOT have to first create the song in PCO. If you click to upload the chart from WorshipReady, it will search for the song in your song list. If it is not already there, it will be created for you including CCLI number, copyright, default key, etc. This is a great time saver!

You can of course still upload our downloadable PDF and OnSong formatted chord chart files as attachments to the song in PCO. Having both would be the best scenario for your users... especially if they are using OnSong on their iPads... but this integration allows a very quick and easy way to get a chart loaded into your account.

NOTE: This PCO Integration feature is available to our Pro and Platinum level subscribers only.

Watch the video below to see this feature in action and to learn more!