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"You Know My Name"
Tasha Cobbs Leonard
They say there are those days when the only thing you can cling to is the sense of God’s calling on your life. It’s in those moments that it’s just between you and God.
But I am proposing another perspective for your consideration. It’s not that calling is the wrong thing to focus on, it’s that it may be just a bit shy from what is more important – your willingness.
If God called you to exit the ministry and enter the marketplace, would you be willing?
If God called you to start a para-church ministry in a town you’ve never been to, would you be willing?
If God called you to sell that house you just bought and rent an apartment, would you be willing?
If God called you to stay right where you are, even though nothing seemed to be happening, would you be willing?
You see, I don’t believe it’s as important where or who you are called to serve. I believe it starts much further up the line to where your heart and motivations lie. Your willingness (or lack thereof) is a barometer of your relationship with God. I began this post with a statement referring to those days in ministry when all you have to cling to is the call of God on your life. A deeper way to say that is: There are those days when the only thing you can cling to is your relationship with God – a relationship built on His asking and our saying “yes”.
Listen: You are only as strong as the strength of your relationship with God. There isn’t a magic calling that will insulate you from ministry burnout. So,