WorshipReady.com - the ultimate praise & worship chord chart & tab resource with iPad OnSong support

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Chord charts for William McDowell: Sounds Of Revival

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"Send The Rain"
William McDowell

WFX Conference Ticket Giveaway

on Monday, 11 August 2014. Posted in Partner Promos, Blogs

WFX Conference Ticket Giveaway

The annual WFX Conference in Dallas, Texas is coming on October 1-2, 2014 and you don't want to miss it! We have partnered with them to provide our users with the opportunity to win a FREE ticket to attend... or a 20% off or a 50% ticket!

Worship Facilities Conference & Expo (WFX) is the largest educational event for churches who are seeking to increase the impact of their ministries through their facilities, technology and people. Presented by Church Production, Worship Facilities and Worship Designer magazines, WFX offers conference sessions on everything from architectural design and fundraising to mixing sound and utilizing social networking. WFX attendees include Senior and Executive Pastors, Business Administrations, Building Committee Members, Facilities Managers, Technical Directors, Tech Team Members, Worship Leaders and more.


We are running this promo through the end of August where 3 tickets will be given away, one of which is totally free and the other two with big discounts! Here's how to participate...

We will do a drawing at the end of August for these tickets, and you can have multiple entries in the drawing. Each item that you do from the list below will generate an entry for you in the drawing:

  • Post a link to this page on your Facebook, Twitter or Google+ pages. You MUST include the hashtag #WFX2014 so we can locate it. Each post counts as an entry (one post per social account per day).
  • Share/Retweet WorshipReady social media posts about this event and promotion. Each one counts as an entry (one share/retweet per day)

We will tally all entries, do the drawings, then notify the winners by September 3, 2014. Whether you win a free or discounted ticket or not... you need to do your best to make it to this conference!