Charts available featuring...
"Providence (Broke My Chains)"
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Check out the 2017 CHRISTMAS Top 20 posting from WorshipReady.com showing the most downloaded Christmas chord charts by our subscribers. This is a great way to see what other worship leaders are using and to get ideas on some Christmas songs you might want to consider for next year!
During the latter months of the year, Christmas songs become the hot items around here! We've pulled the most downloaded Christmas chord charts by our subscribers.
The Top 20 for 2017 were:
One of the most popular Christmas charts around here is always Kari Jobe's "O Holy Night", and this year was no different. It was the #1 by a good margin!
Are there any songs here that you are surprised to see? Any that you would expect to see but don't? Take this list and make notes of some songs you may want to check out for using next Christmas!