WorshipReady.com - the ultimate praise & worship chord chart & tab resource with iPad OnSong support

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Top 10 Downloaded Chord Charts: 1st Quarter 2013

on Monday, 08 April 2013. Posted in Top 10 Downloads, Blogs

From January through March 2013, the Top 10 most downloaded chord charts from WorshipReady.com are:

1. 10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord)
2. Whom Shall I Fear (God Of Angel Armies)
3. Great I Am
4. Your Presence Is Heaven To Me
5. Relentless
6. From The Inside Out
7. In Christ Alone
8. Here I Am To Worship
9. How Great Is Our God
10. God's Great Dance Floor

We will continue posting here each month the Top 10 most downloaded charts so you can get a glimpse of what songs most other worship leaders seem to be using. Be sure to let us know if these songs are working well for you in your church! Comment below!