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Top 10 Downloaded Chord Charts: February 2014

on Sunday, 02 March 2014. Posted in Top 10 Downloads, Blogs

During the month of FEBRUARY 2014, the Top 10 most downloaded chord charts from WorshipReady.com were (previous month rankings in parenthesis - "NL" means it was not in the top 10 list in the previous period):

  1. This Is Amazing Grace  (NL)
  2. In Christ Alone (#1)
  3. Every Praise (#2)
  4. Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)  (#3)
  5. Bless This House  (NL)
  6. 10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord)  (NL)
  7. Pursuit  (NL)
  8. Victor's Crown  (NL)
  9. Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)  (NL)
  10. Whom Shall I Fear (God Of Angel Armies)  (#7)


"This Is Amazing Grace" hits our top 10 for the first time and claims the top seat for the month even! This is mostly known for the version heard on the radio by Phil Wickham, but we also have another version available by Bethel Music.

Last month's top 3 all slid down one notch, still holding leading spots for our subscribers. All of the rest of the songs are on and off the top 10 list over time, except for "Bless This House" from Kurt Carr's new "Bless This House" worship project, which hit the top 10 for the very first time this month.

We post here each month the Top 10 most downloaded charts so you can get a glimpse of what songs most other worship leaders seem to be using. Be sure to let us know if these songs are working well for you in your church! You can comment below.