Charts available featuring...
"God Of Revival"
Bethel Music
During the month of DECEMBER 2018, the Top 10 most downloaded chord charts from WorshipReady.com were (previous month rankings in parenthesis - "NL" means it was not in the top 10 list in the previous period):
As is the case every year at Christmas time, the usual popular chord charts take a back seat to Christmas music. What is NOT unusual around here is Kari Jobe's "O Holy Night" being the most popular chart this time of year! This has been the #1 song here in the month of December now for 4 years in a row!
The #1 song in December 2017 here at WorshipReady was the same as this year... "O Holy Night' by Kari Jobe. As stated above, this has been a popular Christmas tune for years!
Now, looking at a longer span of time really gives a better picture of the popularity of a song in this type of view. So, here is another top 10 list, but for the 3-month span of 2018 4th Quarter (Oct - Dec). The "(NL)" in this case states that a song was not on the top 10 list for 3rd Quarter 2018:
Hillsong Worship has been sliding up the chart with "Who You Say I Am" and now has held that spot for the full quarter! Todd Dulaney's "Your Great Name" has been extremely popular for a long time now and isn't showing signs of dropping off much still.
The #1 song in 4th Quarter 2017 here at WorshipReady was Todd Dulaney's "Your Great Name". It was the first time the song hit the top spot for the entire quarter.
We post here each month the Top 10 most downloaded charts so you can get a glimpse of what songs most other worship leaders seem to be using. Be sure to let us know if these songs are working well for you in your church! You can comment below.