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Somebody's Gotta Bring It

Written by Rob Whitlow on Sunday, 15 April 2012. Posted in Blogs

So I'm reading along in the genealogies of 1 Chronicles, and I run across a name that seems oddly out of place. Normally, when your reading through the sections of "who begat who" and who's brother or father is this, for me anyway (and I know some of you reading this have reached a spiritual plane that I will probably never attain) it is very laborious to get through some of those portions of scripture.

So here is the verse I was reading today... deep stuff...

(NKJV) 1 Chronicles 9:2 "And the first inhabitants who dwelt in their possessions in their cities were Israelites, priests, Levites, and the Nethinim."

Now what stands out to me here is the Nethinim. Most of us know what a Israelite is, what the office of Priests and Levites are. But what in the world did a Nethinim do, and why are they included in this list.

I'll tell you why... somebody has to bring it! That's why! What?... you say... let me explain...

You see, after some research I discovered that the Hebrew for Nethinim is "Temple Servant". After further research I found out that the Nethinim had the high honors of being the "grunts" of the temple if you will... the fetch boys... and what was their primary job you may ask?

Well, they did a lot of work no one else wanted to do... they brought water and other supplies for the Priests and Levites... but their main task was to bring wood for the fire... that's right... their primary act of service was bringing the wood!

We all want the fire to fall in our church services, but no one wants to bring the wood! No one wants to do the "grunt" work of prayer and fasting in private, to see the glory of God come down in public. Like the old prophet did - no one wants to get in a "who can bring the fire down" match, because no one brings the wood.

For a fire to happen you need 3 things: oxygen, heat and fuel...

1. God is always "breathing" new life on us...

(NKJV) Isaiah 30:33 "For Tophet was established of old, yes, for the king it is prepared. He has made it deep and large; Its pyre is fire with much wood; The breath of the LORD, like a stream of brimstone, kindles it."

2. God is always wanting to send His fire...

(NKJV) Isaiah 10:16 "Therefore the Lord, the Lord of hosts, will send leanness among his fat ones; And under his glory He will kindle a burning like the burning of a fire."

So if the fire isn't falling like you want it to... and you are hungry for revival in your own life... check this verse out...

(NKJV) Proverbs 26:20 "Where there is no wood, the fire goes out..."

God is NEVER the problem in the equation of lack of fire, revival, miracles, church growth - you name it... the problem is ALWAYS us. But the good news is that God loves helping to solve our issues so we can be like Him. He has a great desire to pour out His love and glory upon His children.

What I believe God is looking for is more Nethinim... more people will to bring the wood - the fuel for the fire... can I encourage you? Next Sunday make a decision to "bring the fuel" and see what God does.

Make it a point to pray and fast for your services this Sunday, pray for the leadership... and bring something to burn, bring something that you love, something that get's in the way... maybe your "fuel" this week is pride, maybe your "fuel" this week is a bad attitude... whatever it is, bring it, watch God set you on fire and catch everyone around you on fire in the process.

So who is going to "bring it"? Somebody has to...

About the Author

Rob Whitlow

Rob Whitlow

Rob has worked in Evangelism and music ministry for over 20 years. He is the founder of a publishing company producing and writing several modern contemporary worship songs, and has appeared on television and radio, ministering all over the country for the Glory of God!

Rob is the father of 3 wonderful children and is married to his sweetheart, Jenny. Rob has served in his local church either on the worship team, or leading worship. He writes original music, but his style is Chris Tomlin meets Hillsong mixed with Planetshakers!

Rob has a passion to proclaim the Glory of the Lord through music, but he also has a calling for preaching the word of God! He fulfills that calling through evangelistic ministry and also through serving on staff at his home church, filling in when needed and assisting his Pastor in leadership.