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Easter 2019 Top 20 Worship Songs

on Monday, 22 April 2019. Posted in Blogs

Easter 2019 Top 20 Worship Songs

Check out the EASTER 2019 Top 20 Worship Songs posting from WorshipReady.com showing the most downloaded chord charts by our subscribers. This data was taken from the period of March 1 - April 21, 2019, gathering the chord chart download activity of Easter-themed worship songs. This is a great way to see what songs you may have looked over or missed this year that you might want to make note of for next Easter!

During the 2019 Easter season, the Top 20 most downloaded chord charts from WorshipReady.com were:

  1. Living Hope - Phil Wickham / Bethel Music
  2. Ain't No Grave - Bethel Music
  3. Resurrecting - Elevation Worship / Elevation Collective
  4. Reckless Love - Cory Asbury / Israel Houghton
  5. So Will I (100 Billion X) - Hillsong United / Hillsong Worship
  6. Here I Am To Worship - Tim Hughes / Passion
  7. Who You Say I Am - Hillsong Worship
  8. Revelation Song - Gateway Worship / Jesus Culture
  9. The Anthem - Planetshakers / Todd Dulaney
  10. Glorious Day - Passion
  11. At The Cross (Love Ran Red) - Passion
  12. O Come To The Altar - Elevation Worship
  13. O Praise The Name (Anástasis) - Hillsong Worship
  14. He's Alive - Eddie James
  15. In Christ Alone - Passion / Keith & Kristyn Getty
  16. What A Beautiful Name - Hillsong Worship
  17. Forever - Kari Jobe / Bethel Music
  18. Lord I Lift Your Name On High - Lincoln Brewster
  19. Victor's Crown - Darlene Zschech
  20. Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) - Chris Tomlin

These top downloaded Easter songs represent a pretty good variety of artists as well as time periods! There are a few songs that are brand new in the last year or two, as well as some that have been in the mix for 20 years! Click the linked song titles above to get to that song page.

Are there any songs here that surprise you? Any songs that you are surprised to NOT see listed above?

NOTE: If a song is listed with more than one artist, that means the download activity for that song includes versions from each named artist. The link goes to the artist that had the most download activity.