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Chord charts for Jesus Culture: Living With A Fire

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Jesus Culture

Bethany Stephens

Bethany Stephens

Bethany Stephens is a storied worship leader and songwriter that has written songs that have been sung all over the world. She graduated from Christ for the Nations Institute in 2009 with an Associates Degree in Advanced Theology and a minor in Music and Arts. With 10 years of experience, Bethany has led worship in many different countries around the world as well as in the United States.

Bethany has published and recorded three songs by Christ for the Nations Music, "You Deserve It All", "At All Cost", and "My Heart Sings Worthy". In 2013, Diante de Trono Ministries in Brazil re-recorded "My Heart Sings Worthy" in Portuguese for their album, "Sol de Justica", led by Ana Paula Valadao.

Bethany has served as a worship pastor for various churches throughout the years and really has a heart and passion for serving the local church through teaching, developing teams, and leading worship. In recent years, the call has become much more about traveling to different churches and events to serve and call out destiny in everyone she encounters.

Bethany and her team have an authentic passion to serve the local church through worship leading, teaching, and even developing musicians as needed. The goal is to have a time of ministry that can refill and revitalize your staff and congregation alike.