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2020 WorshipTheRock.com Songwriting Contest WINNERS

on Saturday, 12 December 2020. Posted in Blogs

2020 WorshipTheRock.com Songwriting Contest WINNERS

The time has come to announce the winners of the 2020 Worship & Christian Music Songwriting Contest! We had two separate categories, Praise & Worship and Contemporary Christian. We have the Top 12 winners of each category, but also have an overall winner that gets the big prize! We had a record number of entries this year with over 220!

The top songs cover a wide array of styles including worship, country, rock and more! As a side note, since breaking this contest into two categories in 2017, this is the first year that the overall winner was from the Contemporary Christian category!





"Wandering Soul" by Jake Shivley & Hannah Buckner
Category: Contemporary Christian

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1. "Wonder Of Your Name"
by Kimber Terry & Joseph Maloney
    [ Chord Chart ]

1. "100 Happy People"
by Aaron Rodriguez
    [ Chord Chart ]

2. "Because Of Grace (Amazing Grace)"
by Fernando Herrera

2. "A Love Like This"
by Hannah Buckner & Jake Shivley

3. "Know You More"
by Bo Bryant, Paul Reeves, Josh Roland

3. "Making A Way"
by Aryn Michelle Calhoun, Cedric Israel

4. "Only Yours"
by Fernando Herrera

4. "R U Sure?"
by Loonz Mortiz

5. "All For You"
by Bo Bryant, Paul Reeves, Josh Roland

5. "Weird For Jesus"
by Caleb Holmgren

6. "Holy Are You Lord"
by Aaron Rodriguez & Amanda Vela-Rodriguez

6. "Free"
by Zion Schaffer, Silas Schaffer, Aniya Ervin

7. "Can't Stop Singing Your Name"
by Nancy Blandford, Rebecca Sehnert, Sarah Stankiewicz

7. "Your Presence Is Life"
by Kristen Pennington

8. "Welcome Holy Spirit"
by Claudio Navas

8. "You Reign Forevermore"
by Ricardo Jeudy & Lauwine G. Breus

9. "All For Love's Sake"
by Eddie Willis

9. "Call Upon"
by Marcus Clingman & Marketo Christine Michel

10. "Kingdom Fall"
by Jon Henninger & Central Worship

10. "If I Fall"
by Doug McFarland

11. "One And Only God"
by Jesse Augsburger, Allison Brost, Sarah Stankiewicz, Matt Crosson

11. "All Good"
by Grande Baliad

12. "Return To Reverence"
by Nancy Blandford, Rebecca Sehnert, Sarah Stankiewicz

12. "Love Above"
by Jon Henninger

We do not include more than 2 songs by an individual songwriter in this top 25 posting of results. We believe this is fair to allow more exposure for other great entries! There were some writers that had other songs score high enough to be included on this list, but were not for this reason. Songwriters that had additional songs that also scored amongst the top songs include: Jake Shivley, Josh Roland, and Fernando Herrera.

The top 6 from each category (including the overall winner, but not more than 2 from the same songwriter) will be included on the upcoming "Worship The Rock, Vol. 4" compilation album (digital release)! An ETA for this album and other prizes will be announced soon so stay tuned!

Congratulations to all of our winners! Also, a HUGE thanks to all of our judges for their help in evaluating all of the song entries!