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2019 WorshipTheRock.com Songwriting Contest WINNERS

on Wednesday, 11 December 2019. Posted in Blogs

2019 WorshipTheRock.com Songwriting Contest WINNERS

The time has come to announce the winners of the 2019 Worship & Christian Music Songwriting Contest! We had two separate categories, Praise & Worship and Contemporary Christian. We have the Top 12 winners of each category, but also have an overall winner that gets the big prize!

The top songs cover a wide array of styles including worship, country, rock and more!





"You Are Faithful" by Jeremy Sims
Category: Praise & Worship 

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1. "Your Love Has Won My All"
by Eddie Willis & Martin Patrick
    [ Chord Chart ]

1. "The Shepherd's Got My Back"
by Rebecca Sehnert, Nancy Blandford, Sarah Stankiewicz
    [ Chord Chart ]

2. "Rest"
by Kyle Sigmon

2. "God So Loved"
by Eliza King

3. "Still I Know"
by David & Hailee Willis

3. "Empty Your Hands"
by Scarlett Elms

4. "You Alone Are God"
by Eric Perales

4. "Unwavering"
by Winter Elms & Scarlett Elms

5. "I Need Your Presence"
by Joe Aiken

5. "Foxes"
by Christian Tristan & Gideon Roberts

6. "Known For Your Presence"
by Joe Aiken

6. "You Save Me"
by Scarlett Elms & Chris Hardy

7. "Our God Reigns"
by Melanie Sikma

7. "Only You"
by Kierstyn St. John

8. "More Of You"
by Harry Love

8. "Abba Father (Adopted)"
by Timothy Scott, Eric Kneifel, Jonathan Turner

9. "Greater Still"
by Emory Quince

9. "Psalm 34 (Taste And See)"
by Shane Heilman

10. "Pieces Of My Life"
by Natasha Davis, Judson W. Van DeVenter, Winfield Scott Weeden

10. "I Wait For You"
by David Ashley Trent

11. "Creation's Song"
by Joshua Halls

11. "Higher"
by Winter Elms

12. "More Precious Than Gold"
by John Lidfors

12. "Hourglass"
by Kierstyn St. John

The top 6 from each category (including the overall winner) will be included on the upcoming "Worship The Rock 2019" compilation album (digital release)! An ETA for this album and other prizes will be announced soon so stay tuned!

Congratulations to all of our winners! Also, a big thanks to all of our judges for their help in evaluating all of the song entries!

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