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2019 Top 25 Downloaded Chord Charts... So Far!

on Monday, 12 August 2019. Posted in Top 10 Downloads, Blogs

It's hard to believe, but we are well over half way through 2019! Download/import activity continues to grow and our collection of professional custom-made chord charts is growing too! At this point in the year, let's take a look at the Top 25 posting from WorshipReady.com... SO FAR... showing the most downloaded chord charts by our subscribers from January through July 2019.

  1. 10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord) - Matt Redman / Jesus Culture
  2. Raise A Hallelujah - Bethel Music
  3. King Of Glory - Todd Dulaney
  4. Who You Say I Am - Hillsong Worship
  5. Reckless Love - Cory Asbury / Passion
  6. Your Great Name - Todd Dulaney
  7. So Will I (100 Billion X) - Hillsong United / Hillsong Worship
  8. Ain't No Grave - Bethel Music
  9. Living Hope - Phil Wickham / Bethel Music
  10. Build My Life - Passion
  11. Throne Room Song - People & Songs
  12. Holy Spirit - Bryan & Katie Torwalt / Jesus Culture / Francesca Battistelli / VaShawn Mitchell
  13. Waymaker - Sinach
  14. Do It Again - Elevation Worship / Elevation Collective
  15. What A Beautiful Name - Hillsong Worship
  16. Lord You Are Good - Todd Galberth
  17. Surrounded (Fight My Battles) - Michael W. Smith / UPPERROOM
  18. Goodness Of God - Bethel Music
  19. Great Are You Lord - All Sons & Daughters
  20. Good Good Father - Chris Tomlin / Housefires / Passion
  21. Break Every Chain - Jesus Culture / Tasha Cobbs
  22. How Great Is Our God - Chris Tomlin
  23. O Come To The Altar - Elevation Worship
  24. No Longer Slaves - Bethel Music / Gateway Worship
  25. You're Doing It All Again - Todd Dulaney

Matt Redman's "10,000 Reasons" continues to be a very popular song! While it seems to have some "come and go" in activity, it remains fairly steady overall with a constant stream of activity. This keeps the song usually in the monthly top 10 lists and, as you can see here, regularly downloaded by new users! Bethel Music has a strong showing here as many of their newer songs have really taken off!

We post lists like this and a Top 10 each month so you can get a glimpse of what songs most other worship leaders seem to be using. Be sure to let us know if these songs are working well for you in your church! You can comment below.