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2018 WorshipTheRock.com Songwriting Contest WINNERS

on Monday, 17 September 2018. Posted in Blogs

2018 WorshipTheRock.com Songwriting Contest WINNERS

The time has come to announce the winners of the 2018 Worship & Christian Music Songwriting Contest! We had two separate categories, Praise & Worship and Contemporary Christian. We have the Top 12 winners of each category, but also have an overall winner that gets the big prize!

We had 191 total song entries this year, which is about a 24% increase over last year! The top songs cover a wide array of styles including worship, country, rap and more!





"Fearless" by Trey Hill
Category: Praise & Worship 

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1. "Our Praise Will Rise"
by Reuben Douglas & Melissa Yalomatua
    [ Chord Chart ]

1. "We Sing"
by Grande Baliad
    [ Chord Chart ]

2. "Lift You High"
by Bel Thomson & Cody Norris

2. "Lion's Den"
by Loonz Mortiz

3. "Jesus"
by Brandon Mabson

3. "Song For The Broken"
by Arthur Gauthier & Chris Dillard

4. "The Name Of Jesus"
by Bel Thomson & Cody Norris

4. "Christ Alone"
by Ryan Johnson, Elena Ordnorolov & Ruslan Ordnorolov

5. "Waiting"
by Jeremy Sims

5. "Finding The Light"
by Russ Parrish & Topher King

6. "Dawn Is Breaking"
by Reuben Douglas

6. "In The Hallway"
by Toni Wortherly

7. "Draw Me Closer"
by Neal McArthur

7. "And I Call On Jesus"
by Arthur Gauthier

8. "The Cross (My Refuge)"
by Trey Hill & Kimber Terry

8. "With You"
by Bel Thomson & Cody Norris

9. "Lord Of Life"
by Erik Gibson

9. "Chosen By You"
by Paul Harding

10. "Always Close (You Love Me)"
by David Lockard

10. "It's Not You It's Me"
by Loonz Mortiz

11. "The Pledge"
by Paul Harding

11. "Made For This"
by David Meadows

12. "The God Who Saves"
by Russ Parrish & Megan Kot

12. "I Am Yours"
by Russ Parrish, Topher King & Eric Foschiatti

The top 6 from each category (including the overall winner) will be included on the upcoming "Worship The Rock 2018" compilation album (digital release)! An ETA for this album and other prizes will be announced soon so stay tuned!

Congratulations to all of our winners! Also, a big thanks to all of our judges for their help in evaluating all of the song entries!